Mary Ann Pals

Dancers From the DeepMary Ann Pals is a pastel and charcoal artist living near the southern tip of Lake Michigan in Chesterton, IN. She has enjoyed doing artwork all her lifeIn college, she received her degree in Humanities with an emphasis in the Visual Arts. Pals regularly exhibits her work in area, national, and international shows and art fairs. She is a member of the Northern Indiana Pastel Society and Great Lakes Pastel Society, and has received Master Circle points from the International Association of Pastel Societies.  She enjoys teaching drawing and pastel painting to adults at the Chesterton Art Center.

Mary Ann’s artwork is her passion.  She has traveled extensively with her family across the US, hiking, bird watching, and taking reference photos.   Her frequent travels provide her with a rich library of visual images and memories. Back in her studio she uses her photos and memories as a springboard to convey those special moments and her mood on paper. Her goal is to draw the viewer into her world so that they too feel as if they are there, in that scene with her.  Pals claims, “Nature says it best.  I just embellish the tale.”
